Monday, February 13, 2012

How Long, O Lord?

Great balls of fire, but I have been one busy bee!

Ask me what I've been doing. What's that? What have I been up to? I'm glad you asked. Why, I've been hard at work to fuck up LG and T-Mobile! I've been hitting the forums, asking questions and writing responses to any unsatisfactory responses. Which is all of them.

And I'm not going to stop until we get an official statement regarding one very simple question:

What is the official status regarding support and updates for the LG/T-Mobile G-Slate?

Why won't they tell us? It vexes me. I'm terribly vexed. Are they so hard at work on the updates that they forgot to tell us? Does it require a new branch of higher mathematics to be created first? Is it classified national security type shit?

Oh - wait. Hold it. I just checked. I just checked everywhere, and it's none of those things. Nope.

They simply choose not to give a shit. Not about the G-Slate shitsquare, and certainly not about you.

I know what you're thinking. 'Maybe you're a tad too brusque to elicit an official response, Connell.'

I'll bet that was the exact sentence that just ran through your mind. And rightly so. But let me put you at ease: I am a crafty one. I considered my approach beforehand. I have verbally combed my hair and put on my Sunday fucking best in those forums and emails. Seriously, check it out:

See? Lookit those posts I made. Sweet Black Jesus, you could eat off those fucking words. And you should, too - join those forums (if you haven't already) and contribute to those threads. Make those threads huge. Make them too goddamn big to ignore. And join this blog! Post the link in other forums. Lean on those sonofabitches. With that in mind, I will leave you with one final thought for the day:

Keep tapping on the cracks, and they will break.

See you tomorrow!

- Connell

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